Fire & Smoke Evaluations

All~State Environmental Services, Inc
                  Environmental Inspections, Consultations, & Testing Services 


Catastrophic fire losses are one of the most severe events that can occur in a home or structure.  Not only does the structure incur water or chemical damage from extinguishing the fire, it also incurs other forms of damage. 

Heat damagethermal shock, water damage causing mold to grow, smoke residue (microscopic soot, char, and aciniform) causing odor to persist, and physical fire damage causing potential asbestos/lead cleanup, are all potentially associated conditions pursuant to a fire loss. 

All~State Environmental Services utilizes inspection practices, testing methods, and state of the art analysis to identify the extent of damage.  Our reports can be used by our clients to understand the physical scope of damage (visible or microscopic) to assess the fires impact on the structure, contents, mechanical systems, potential impact on the indoor air quality, and restoration scope and cost.

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